A new inclusion to the ICLEI family – Singra, Bangladesh

Bound by the historical Chalan beel in the East, Singra is the newest ICLEI member in the South Asian region. Established in 1999, Singra, one of the eight municipalities of the district Natore in Rajshahi Division in the North West region of Bangladesh, is a small town with a current population of 53,322.
Mayor of Singra, Shamim Al Razi, commented, “Singra has been facing major climate changes like droughts and change in rainfall pattern since the last few years. Singra’s local administration, through ICLEI’s hand-holding, is in the process of undertaking an analysis of the urban systems and the impacts a changing climate might have on them, as well as identifying the most vulnerable groups and areas in the city. By becoming ICLEI members we will be able to expand to areas other than climate resilience and thus advance towards the path of sustainability. ”
Singra is working closely with ICLEI South Asia in advancing towards the resilience building process of the city through the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) project. The city has identified fragile urban systems and subsequently will undertake the urban vulnerability and risk assessment. The ICLEI South Asia team will also support Singra city in coming up with a climate resilient strategy, which will help the city better cope with the climate change impacts.