All Project Cities Visit Panjim to Learn Key Principles of Sustainable Waste Management under the CapaCITIES Project

One of the key objectives of the CapaCITIES project is to facilitate cross-city learning, within the project partner cities and with other cities nationally and internationally. All four partner cities (Coimbatore, Rajkot, Siliguri and Udaipur) have indicated that solid waste management is a priority sector; in the short term, each of the cities have indicated that they are planning to improve all aspects of solid waste management in the city, in compliance with Management & Handling (MSW) Rules 2016.
The 100 TPD biomethanation based Waste to Energy plant in Salegaon village of North Goa, operated and managed by the Hindustan Waste Treatment Private Limited and commissioned by the State of Goa, is seen as one of the few successful examples of waste to energy in the country.
Given the partner cities’ interest in learning and adopting this technology, ICLEI South Asia as the implementing partner of the CapaCITIES organised a site visit to the Salegaon plant, with the support of the Goa State Infrastructure Development Corporation.
Officials from Coimbatore, Rajkot, Siliguri and Udaipur engaged with Goa State Officials and the operators of the plant to understand the operations of the plant and the provisions and structure of the bidding process.
The plant receives mixed waste and is successfully segregating the waste into non-biodegradable (more than eight fractions) and biodegradable fractions. The biodegradable fraction is treated in the biomethanation facility, generating methane, which is then converted to electricity. Participants had a firsthand view of the quantum of electricity being generated in the visual display of the fully automated PLC room.
The maintenance and immaculate housekeeping within this facility inspired all the city participants and enthused them to strive for similar waste management facilities, with good operation and reporting procedures, within their cities. They were keen to note that biomethanation is a viable waste to energy alternative for successful biodegradable waste processing.
The city of Panaji’s door step waste segregation initiative has caught the imagination of several cities in the country. The City Corporation of Panaji (CCP) successfully ensures over 90% door step segregation into five fractions (Wet waste, Glass and Metal waste, Paper and cartons, Plastic waste and Non-recyclable items). The dry waste is further segregated into more than fifteen fractions in the Material Recycling Facility (MRF) located at St.Inez.
Community based waste composting systems are installed by the City in over 90 housing societies and are now being managed and operated by a mix of private and City staff. With the support of officials from the CCP, participants of this knowledge sharing visit gathered learning and experienced firsthand the possibility of organising and ensuring 100% door step segregation and community based waste management. Participants also interacted with the CCP City staff and understood the process which led to the success of this initiative.