CDKN Asia Partners Release Knowledge Products on Climate-Smart Solutions
Focusing on strengthening climate resilience and climate-smart technologies, CDKN KBP partners in Nepal and Bangladesh have brought out knowledge products for local governments, extension workers and policymakers.
The Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies (SIAS), Nepal, has released a step-by-step guide to help facilitate collaborative water forums or Pani Chautaris as a tool. Specifically, this guidebook helps local authorities and water managers to identify key water management-related problems, especially those related to water sharing among different stakeholders, generate evidence for informed dialogue, facilitate stakeholder dialogue and take appropriate policy initiatives. In addition to the detailed processes, the guidebook also provides a background on how Pani Chautaris have evolved through the long-term policy-oriented work of SIAS and other partner organisations.
Non-profit organisation Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development has brought out a Compendium of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) Technologies and Practices for enhancing food security, with adaptation and mitigation as co-benefits, in Nepal. CSA involves smart farming practices and strategies that help develop climate-resilient agriculture, increase crop and livestock productivity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and enhance food security goals. This compendium has been developed to help extension workers support the upscaling of climate-smart technologies and build climate-resilient villages that enhance food, nutrition and income, mainly for marginal communities striving in marginal areas.
The Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) has finalised an issue brief, which has applied an adaptation model in the country’s coastal zone to compute the adaptation deficiency in 20 hotspots that face a risk of storm surges. These deficiencies, if addressed, will minimise future storm surge risks in these hotspots. The output from the model – known as the Dynamic Adaptation Model – can be used by policymakers to decide on appropriate investment options for risk-based planning.
Focusing on strengthening climate resilience and climate-smart technologies, CDKN KBP partners in Nepal and Bangladesh have brought out knowledge products for local governments, extension workers and policymakers.
The Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies (SIAS), Nepal, has released a step-by-step guide to help facilitate collaborative water forums or Pani Chautaris as a tool. Specifically, this guidebook helps local authorities and water managers to identify key water management-related problems, especially those related to water sharing among different stakeholders, generate evidence for informed dialogue, facilitate stakeholder dialogue and take appropriate policy initiatives. In addition to the detailed processes, the guidebook also provides a background on how Pani Chautaris have evolved through the long-term policy-oriented work of SIAS and other partner organisations.
Non-profit organisation Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development has brought out a Compendium of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) Technologies and Practices for enhancing food security, with adaptation and mitigation as co-benefits, in Nepal. CSA involves smart farming practices and strategies that help develop climate-resilient agriculture, increase crop and livestock productivity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and enhance food security goals. This compendium has been developed to help extension workers support the upscaling of climate-smart technologies and build climate-resilient villages that enhance food, nutrition and income, mainly for marginal communities striving in marginal areas.
The Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) has finalised an issue brief, which has applied an adaptation model in the country’s coastal zone to compute the adaptation deficiency in 20 hotspots that face a risk of storm surges. These deficiencies, if addressed, will minimise future storm surge risks in these hotspots. The output from the model – known as the Dynamic Adaptation Model – can be used by policymakers to decide on appropriate investment options for risk-based planning.