Changwon at the Urban Mobility India conference in Delhi

The Urban Mobility India (UMI) Conference and Expo is an annual event with an overarching theme which runs across all the aspects of ‘Smart Mobility’ and is hosted by the Institute of Urban Transport (India) under the aegis of Ministry of Urban Development (MOUD), Government of India. The genesis of UMI is from the National Urban Transport Policy of the Government of India, 2006 (NUTP), which lays a very strong emphasis on building capabilities at the state and city level to address the problems associated with urban transport and undertakes the task of developing sustainable urban transport systems.
In line with this year’s Smart Mobility theme, ICLEI South Asia organized a session at the UMI focusing on the various aspects of ecomobility: walking, cycling and ‘passenging’ on public transport, on Saturday 08 December 2012 titled ‘Ecomobility in cities: an Asian perspective’. read more