Cities meet and share on Urban Sustainability in Delhi on 25-28 September 2013

It is again stock-taking and experience sharing time for the cities involved in the ‘Supporting Urban Sustainability (SUS)’ Programme, who will meet at the Second International Workshop organized by ICLEI South Asia along with the Centre for Environment Education (CEE), with the support of the Swedish International Centre of Education for Sustainable Development (SWEDESD) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).
The event, taking place on 25-28 September 2013 in New Delhi, will gather the representatives of all the SUS participating cities, including Rajshahi from Bangladesh, Thimphu from Bhutan and Guntur, Malvan, Kozhikode, Guwahati, Gangtok from India. The different sessions will help take stock of the activities carried out so far as well as provide to the cities a platform to share successes and pitfalls so far, and to plan for the next steps. The format of the session will allow other cities to comment on each other’s activities and give suggestions coming from their own experience. while gaining from the insights of a third party evaluation of their work
The SUS programme makes use of experts input and innovative approaches and methods for collaborative learning, to facilitate the implementation of reflexive governance and Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) in the project cities, as well as to enable peer to peer knowledge exchange between them cities and the facilitating organisations CEE (Centre for Environment Education, India) and SWEDESD (Swedish International Centre of Education for Sustainable Development).