Climate change risks and impacts identified in Nashik

A climate risks assessment and a prioritization of their impacts was the main focus of the First Stakeholder Consultation that took place in Nashik, on 31 July 2013, as part of the city’s Sustainable Urban Habitat Action Plan (SUHAP). Nashik Municipal Corporation is set to become a sustainable city, in line with the National Mission on Sustainable Habitat (NMSH). With the support of GIZ and ICLEI South Asia, the city is thus undertaking a climate impact assessment exercise to identify potential risks and adaptation measures to be incorporated in SUHAP, in addition to measures to reduce emissions and improve energy efficiency.
The first stakeholder consultation, attended by staff from different departments of the Municipal Corporation, other relevant government line departments, local NGOs and foundations, as well as representatives from the private sector, focused on taking the next steps towards developing a climate change adaptation strategy. This was done by using the toolkit developed and tested by ICLEI under the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) project, supported by the Rockefeller Foundation.
During the interactive workshop, following a “learning by sharing” approach, the participants pinpointed past hazard events, impacts and responses along a ‘timeline’, and identified the main climate risks the city faces. These analyses, combined with an assessment of positive and negative trends related to the sectors specified in the NMSH, led to a prioritization of the potential impacts of climate change in the city. In the upcoming meetings, the stakeholders group will focus on the development of a Nashik specific climate resilience strategy.