First Shared Learning Dialogue organised in Udaipur

As part of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) supported CapaCITIES project, a Shared Learning Dialogue (SLD) was organised in Udaipur.
The SLD aimed at identifying the vulnerable urban systems of the city and the impact that climate change will have on the same. Climate fragility statements thus developed were extensively discussed and risk assessment of the same was carried out.
During further discussions, vulnerable wards for each fragile urban system and the impacted actors were analysed. The vulnerable wards for each urban system were then super imposed to develop the vulnerability hotspot map of Udaipur.
This highly interactive discussion was attended by a wide array of stakeholders ranging from municipal staff, officials of other government departments, NGOs, researchers and academia.
The meeting led to the identification of three vulnerable urban systems – transportation, sewerage and solid waste management. In order to build resilience in these urban systems, city specific interventions will be developed which will feed into the Climate Resilient City Action Plan for Udaipur.