Integration of clean technologies in state policies to foster low carbon growth at the local level

Working for over two years with the States of Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu, ICLEI South Asia developed a series of urban climate guidelines that will help build low carbon cities in these and other Indian regions. The papers were developed under “Integrating Urban Climate Guidelines through Clean Technologies (RE & EE) at the State and City level to build sustainable low carbon cities”, a project supported by the States of Rajasthan and of Tamil Nadu and funded by the British High Commission.
ICLEI South Asia worked with seven cities in Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan (Jaipur, Udaipur, Jodhpur and Kota in Rajasthan; Coimbatore, Tiruchirappalli and Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu), where a comprehensive energy inventory and an action plan were developed. Based on this analysis of on-ground realities, a report on “Urban Low Carbon Growth – Financing Opportunities for Indian Cities”, a “Framework for Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of Low Carbon Actions for Local Government” and an “India Community Protocol for Accounting Reporting Greenhouse Gas Emissions” were developed.
The main outcomes of the projects are however the “State Level Urban Low Carbon Policy Notes” developed both for Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu. The guidelines are released as States in India are requested, from the Central Government, to develop State Action Plans on Climate Change (SAPCC), and translate the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) priorities into State specific programmes and actions. The documents are specifically addressing State government officials and concerned departments and encourage them to include – when developing their SAPCC – these policy recommendations on the integration of clean technologies.
The guidelines have now being submitted for approval to the two states. All papers can be downloaded from