Pune City’s Selection as Solar City Under ‘Development of Solar City’ Program

Pune City has been selected as Solar City under the program ‘Development of Solar City’ by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) in 2016. ICLEI South Asia has been selected as the consultant for the preparation of Solar City Master Plan for Pune city.
As per MNRE’s guidelines, first stakeholder was conducted on the 19th of August, 2017 in which various stakeholders have participated. The list includes representatives from Pune municipal corporation, Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), local energy experts, NGOs working in the field of energy and environment, Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) officials, Institutions, Pune University professors, Pune city real estate companies, Green Building certification experts, and suchlike.
ICLEI South Asia has given detailed technical presentation about the project including the introduction, data requirements, and preparation of Renewable Energy / Energy Efficiency (RE/EE) strategies. It urged stakeholders to provide data to prepare the city GHG-Inventory and, design the RE&EE strategies for the city.
ICLEI South Asia also gave detailed information about Solar City Cell which is intended to create awareness through seminars, conferences, and other Information, Education, Communication (IEC) activities in the city.
Stakeholders have actively participated in the discussions and shared their ideas on different issues pertaining to the deployment of renewable energy technologies in the city.
Interesting inputs were received with regards to making mandates for Energy Conservation Building Codes compliance for commercial, industrial and selected residential users. Below mentioned are some of the areas where interventions can be introduced:
• Amendment in municipal building bye laws,
• Monitory mechanisms/ regulations towards climate change mitigation strategies for the city,
• Integrated approach towards RE and in new physical infrastructure in the city
• Affordability of RE technologies such as rooftop Solar PV
• Ease of adopting Net-Metering policy,
• Establishing a Solar Park in the city,
• Energy efficiency in existing buildings,
• RE implementation in existing buildings, etc.
Next stakeholder meeting will be called to present draft Detailed Project Report (DPR) of Pune Solar City Master Plan to all the stakeholders followed by consultation and suggestions by stakeholders towards DPR draft.