Shimla among world’s first five cities to get City Resilience Index (CRI)

Arup, in association with ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability, South Asia and Municipal Corporation of Shimla (MCS), piloted the City Resilience Index (CRI) tool in Shimla. The tool was developed by Arup with support from Rockefeller Foundation to help the city build resilience.
Read full report: City Resilience Index Shimla, India
Apart from India, the other cities where the tool was piloted are Hong Kong, China; Liverpool, England; Arusha, Tanzania; Concepción, Chile.
The City Resilience Index is the first-ever comprehensive tool to help the city administrations, investors and other stakeholders to assess their understanding of the range of systems and factors that contribute to the resilience of their city and to measure current performance to establish a benchmark from which to track future progress. ICLEI South Asia was partnered to carry out the assessment in Shimla to arrive at a resilience profile for the city by using the City Resilience Index.
The CRI assesses resilience across four dimensions – health and wellbeing; economy and society; infrastructure and environment; and leadership and strategy Underpinning these four dimensions, there are 12 indicators that Shimla city should strive towards in order to achieve resilience.
The CRI pilot in Shimla has achieved strong levels of engagement across all stakeholders, and was successful in developing a comprehensive, holistic resilience profile for the city. ICLEI South Asia played an important role in identifying local stakeholders and data sources, coordinating meetings, collecting data and way finding.
Read more on CRI: