Stepping stone for the Urban Green Growth Strategies for Indian cities project

The Urban Green Growth Strategies for Indian Cities project has taken another step towards selecting the 12 final cities that will be assessed for their green growth potential and opportunities. 31 Indian municipalities have been shortlisted and an Expression of Interest (EOI) has been sent to them, to invite them to be a part of the study. 12 cities will be finally chosen based on the EOI responses and in such a way as to ensure a balanced representation of cities and towns across the country: geographically, size-wise and functionally.
Once the 12 cities have been selected, the project team will visit all of them and work closely with the local administration to assess their current situation as well as develop a deeper understanding of issues, barriers and opportunities related to green growth present at the local level across the various sub sectors. The findings of this twelve city assessment, coupled with documentation on existing best practice examples of green growth in Indian cities, will inform the development of strategies to help cities work towards maximising their green growth potential.
For further information on Urban Green Growth Strategies for Indian cities, click here.