Students attend Urban Biodiversity workshop on International Biodiversity Day

As part of the national outreach activities under the INTERACT: Bio project, supported by The Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) through the International Climate Initiative (IKI), a workshop on Urban Biodiversity was organised in Delhi on the 22nd of May.
The event organised on International Biodiversity Day was held in collaboration with Department of Environment, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi and Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Combating Climate Change and was attended by college and school teachers and students.
Through the workshop, the participants were sensitised about the biodiversity in India, significance of urban biodiversity and steps they can take to conserve the same.
The participants were also provided a training on methods for development of campus biodiversity registers, which will then form a part of the People’s Biodiversity Register of the state of Delhi.
The event was very well received and marked high level of participation.