Urban Natural Assets for Africa (UNA), implemented from 2014 to present, in eight cities and six countries, seeks to improve human well-being, contribute to poverty alleviation and build climate resilience through integrating nature-based solutions into land use planning. UNA has three flagship projects; Urban Natural Assets for Africa (UNA Africa), Urban Natural Assets for Africa: […]
UNA (Urban Natural Assets for Africa)
Through CitiesWithNature (CWN), local and regional governments are able to enhance the potential of nature to provide essential ecosystem services and solutions for the overall health of human habitats and urban areas. Through this platform, cities can engage, connect, learn, share, act, and inspire each other in the way of biodiversity and urban nature. ICLEI […]
The project is developed and implemented in three major components: 1) Building evidence and enable the local uptake of public health tools; 2) City implementation of analyses of health benefits from SLCP mitigation strategies, as well as stakeholder engagement, using the local evidence of health benefits to support SLCP reduction measures at the local level […]
UH&SLCP (Urban Health and Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Project)
ICLEI is developing a Green City Action Plan for the city of Kota Kinabalu following a multi-stakeholder consultative process, as a part of the Asian Development Bank’s (ABD) development of Green City Action Plans in the BIMP-EAGA region (comprised of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and East Timor). The City of Kota Kinabalu is committing […]
KK GCAP (Kota Kinabalu Green City Action Plan)
The Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals Estimates (SEEG) is an initiative of the Climate Observatory that includes the production of annual estimates of GHG emissions in Brazil, analytical documents on the evolution of emissions and a web portal to provide simple and clear system methods and data. The SEEG methodology was published in the journal […]
SEEG (GHG Emissions and Removals Estimates in Brazil)
ICLEI established a replicable framework that can be used by local governments throughout the country to attribute the observed changes in community GHG emissions inventories. Practitioners within cities and counties are now able to harness data to produce a more accurate depiction in changes to community-scale efficiency, communicate those trends more clearly, and use the […]
Contribution Analysis (Drivers of Change in GHG emissions)
This workshop will provide an overview of global trends in environmental disclosure and reporting in 2019 in light of the recent announcement of CDP and ICLEI’s joint unified reporting system. Workshop participants will gain expanded knowledge of global city climate policy and new trends in reporting and measuring environmental impact, an overview of CDP and […]
Workshop on Climate Reporting Towards Ambitious Local Actions
Through the project, ICLEI will support 20 cities, with emission inventories, targets and guidelines for mitigation. It includes preparation of an inventory of GHG emissions and atmospheric pollutants; future emission scenarios for 5, 10, 20 and 40 years, with reduction targets; institutional implementation strategies and inventory review mechanisms; and training of RMC technicians in the […]
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory for Campinas and the Metropolitan Region of Campinas
ICLEI provides capacity building to target cities in implementing low emission development strategies as well as mainstreaming science-based disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in local development processes. The project utilizes the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) Process toolkit, the Global Protocol for Community-scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories (GPC) in formulating the […]
ICLEI is responsible for project implementation in all four partner cities, including preparation of Climate Resilient City Action Plan for four Indian partner cities – Coimbatore, Rajkot, Siliguri and Udaipur – that addresses both climate change adaptation and climate change mitigation using ClimateResilientCities methodology; strengthening the capacities of cities to identify, plan and implement measures […]