ICLEI is an implementing partner in the LGCCSP4 through the development of training material and provision of capacity building. The methodology used in the implementation of the activity is three fold as follows: -To inform the development of the capacity building workshops, training materials and in-depth technical assistance, ICLEI undertook a desktop research and reviewed […]
LGCCSP4 (Local Government Climate Change Support Programme)
•Conduct Sustainability Assessment of Existing Programs •Develop Sustainability Baseline Assessment and Gaps •Set Sustainability Goals •Develop the Sustainability Plan •Implement the Plan and Monitor Program •Develop Sustainability Work Program Document •Engage the Public, City Council, and Other Stakeholders
Sustainability Plan Development
Through the project, ICLEI will support in the development of a technical training for Baixada Santista Municipalities for identifying vulnerabilities and developing adaptation measures to prevent the impacts of climate change on water resources. The overall objective of this project is to ensure that the target audience is trained on the issue with a focus […]
Technical training of the municipalities of Baixada Santista in adapting to climate change in water resources
The module focused on practices, policies and innovations on sustainable water management at municipal level, particularly on city solutions to address rainfall extremes and water stress. ICLEI KCC delivered modules planning, coordinated with city speakers and promoted ICLEI Resilient Cities agenda.
2019 ICDF x ICLEI KCC Workshop on Water Management (International Class)
The objective of the IUC programme is to contribute to improve international urban policy diplomacy and increase decentralized cooperation on sustainable urban development and climate change through a focus on sustainable energy. In North America the focus of the project is 1) on peering North American cities with European one so that they can learn […]
ICLEI provides the capacity of the second key expert and two non-key experts who conduct the following activities: 1) Provide latest information, methodologies, tools, knowledge and skills that support local governments’ projects and policies at all stages of planning and implementation. 2) Support knowledge sharing and exchange of best practices between the Korean and EU […]
Through the project, ICLEI will support in the preparation of the Vulnerability Index and Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the city of Recife, which aims to identify and prioritize concrete measures to adapt to climate change in the city, based on the analysis vulnerability and climate risk, addressing the environmental, economic and social dimensions in […]
CAF Project – Vulnerability Index and Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the city of Recife
ICLEI connects like-minded cities to exchange experiences and lessons learned on the way towards the circular economy, advocates the necessity of closing-the-loop thinking, identifies cities’ circular good practices, shares the latest knowledge and provides suggestions on mainstreaming the circular development in urban strategic planning and policies. ICLEI raises the attention on the circular development in […]
GCCC (Green Circular Cities Coalition)
This proposal outlines a mechanism that could offer comprehensive support and a replicable approach that could be applied globally to assist local and regional governments to develop robust and transformative projects, and to help them to navigate in the complex world of technical and financial options, meet in person potential partners, and so contributing to […]
ICLEI is gathering information and quantifying the climate impact of options to allow people to make better lifestyle choices aligned to a 1.5 degree scenario. We are doing this by estimating the average carbon footprint of middle class Capetonians, and estimating the carbon reduction impact of various lifestyle choices. This will help to bring to […]
Envisioning future low-carbon lifestyles and transitioning instruments