ICLEI and GIZ study helps Panjim and Barisal cities to assess their vulnerabilities

According to a recent ICLEI – MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) survey conducted in 2011, the majority of local governments understand the need to undertake an urban vulnerability assessment to identify the areas, within their urban boundaries, that will be more likely affected by climate change. However, only 39% of the surveyed cities have started (or already finished) such a process.
An urban vulnerability and risk assessment is the first step towards the planning and implementation of a city-specific urban adaptation and resilience strategy. Building on several years of experience in climate change adaptation work in several of its regional offices and drawing from the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) work, ICLEI South Asia in partnership with the Oceania office has developed an urban vulnerability assessment methodology.
Based on this methodology, ICLEI South Asia, with support of GIZ (German Development Corporation), and in collaboration with the each of the city governments, has undertaken a vulnerability assessment study in Panjim, India, and Barisal, Bangladesh. A stakeholder consultation methodology referred to as Shared Learning Dialogues (SLDs) was adopted to engage not only various departments within the city government but also other local stakeholders. Specific tools developed as part of the ICLEI ACCCRN Process were used to facilitate discussions and information sharing at the SLDs.
Currently, at the end of this five-month study, draft reports that identify the key current and future vulnerabilities in terms of sectors, geographical areas and social groups have been prepared for both cities. These reports will soon be finalized in consultation with the respective cities, local stakeholders and GIZ.
For more information write to iclei-southasia@ iclei.org